As his lips moved up and down my shaft there was a brief second where I thought my
atoms were being torn apart again. Bliss so great, it nearly pained me. Tears welled in my eyes,
just as they had during our jape with Enrique. My head was swimming around so much I thought
I might pass out. Consciousness escaped me, and I began to feel as though I was entering and
exiting reality. Next thing I knew, I was entering Shrendice from behind, while she took Brendan
in her mouth. Next instant, our placed flipped. The next, she was on top of me while she
frantically clasped her hands around his floundering cock. The moment of my climax was similar
to a blinding light, and I barely remember it happening. Perhaps the moon god had touched me.
Perhaps I never even existed, and I was just being born. Perhaps I was a petal on a flower and a
small child had just plucked me from my mother and thrown me into the endless wind. It was
there in the wind I rested for what seem like an eternity. I drifted through forever so content with
my eyes shut so tight, but they were not stones this time… No, they were a lover’s arms and I
never wanted them to let me go. Never. Never. I am always coming for you, my friend. Always.