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The Inner Machinations of a Man Called Universe: An Introduction by Michael Fucking Collins There lives a man in our world that is not as he appears to be. On the surface, he seems like any other person that you would pass you by on the street, but this man is different. This man is the Universe. Some people think that our existence, as well as the creation of the universe is the work of some omnipotent being that holds power over all things and plays out our lives as if we were puppets in a play. However this is not the case. Our existence is thanks to one thing and one thing alone, and that thing is Brendan. Now you may ask yourself, “What is Brendan? Where did he come from?” the answer to that question is very simple, he did it because he can. Brendan does not need a reason to do anything. We exist because Brendan wants us to, we owe everything we have in our lives to Brendan, and not a lot of people truly understand that. Now you may think that you have some understanding as to what Brendan is exactly, but you don’t, and you never will, and you’re just going to have to accept that like the rest of us, but at least now you can comprehend what he truly means to our universe. So sit back, relax, and enjoy The Brendananthology, as we tantalize your mind with stories of wonder that came from a man called Universe.