Breastfeeding Packet Preview | Page 5

A lot is happening with your newborn .
Your baby depends on you .

A lot is happening with your newborn .

Your baby ’ s brain and body are growing rapidly . They sleep a lot , but they also spend time learning about the world .
As they learn , they will spend time : Listening to your voice Gazing at your face Moving their arms , legs and head Making noises , including fussing and crying

Your baby depends on you .

You cannot spoil them or give them too much attention .


You will meet their needs by : Feeding them frequently Changing diapers Talking to them Helping them sleep Keeping them warm and safe Comforting them when they cry

Tips for Settling In

These ideas can make things a little easier for the first few weeks :
• Keep visits with friends and family short . It is okay to ask them to leave if you need to rest .
• Keep a supply of nutritious snacks and water nearby .
• Set up a diaper-changing station on each level of your home .
• Accept offers from friends or family to bring meals , run errands or do housework .
• If possible , arrange to have an hour for yourself each day .
• Reach out to friends and let them know if you are struggling or need someone to talk to .
This information should not be construed as medical advice , nor is it intended to replace the individual care of a health care professional .
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