Course Topics |
7 |
Introduction |
8 |
Breastfeeding Basics |
9 |
The Importance of Breastfeeding |
10 |
Tips for Success |
11 |
How Breastfeeding Works |
12 |
Starting Off Right & Positions |
13 |
When to Feed & Bringing Baby to Breast |
14 |
Latching and Milk Transfer |
15 |
Newborn Stomach Size & Stages of Milk |
16 |
Is Baby Getting Enough ? |
17 |
Breastfeeding Challenges |
18 |
Latching Challenges |
19 |
Supply Challenges |
20 |
Clogged Ducts |
20 |
Mastitis & Thrush |
21 |
Tongue Tie |
22 |
A Rough Start |
22 |
How to Get Help |
23 |
Beyond the Basics |
24 |
Hand Expression |
25 |
Pumping |
25 |
Bottle-Feeding |
26 |
Using Formula |
26 |
Supplies for Breastfeeding |
27 |
Caring for Yourself |
27 |
Introducing Solids & Weaning |
28 |
Tandem Breastfeeding |
29 |
Lesson Plans |
30 |
Introduction |
31 |
Two Hour Lesson Plans |
32 |
Four Hour Lesson Plans |
34 |
Appendices |
38 |
A : Course Development |
39 |
Planning Your Course |
40 |
Purpose |
40 |
Your Strengths |
41 |
Target Audience |
42 |
Goals and Objectives |
43 |
Class Structure |
45 |
Content |
46 |
Resources and Materials |
47 |
Evaluate Yourself |
48 |
Teaching Tips |
49 |
Your Role |
49 |
Course Atmosphere |
50 |
Preparing for Class |
51 |
During Class |
52 |
Your Learning Curve |
53 |
Types of Activities |
54 |
Warm-Up Activities |
55 |
Assignments |
56 |
Wrap-Up Ideas |
57 |
Local Resource Guide |
58 |
B : Class Activities |
59 |
Breastfeeding A-Z |
60 |
Breastfeeding Scenarios |
64 |
Latch Rating |
70 |
Reasons to Breastfeed |
82 |
True or False |
84 |
C : Class Handouts |
89 |
Breastfeeding Feelings |
90 |
Breastfeeding Review |
91 |
Breastfeeding Vocabulary |
93 |
Expressing Milk |
95 |
The First Ten Days |
96 |
D : Special Circumstances |
97 |
Implants or Surgery |
98 |
Multiples |
99 |
100 |
Non-Gestational Breastfeeding |
101 |