BREAKING THE SILENCE, 2014 Breaking The Silence | Page 28

sexual debut . About a quarter had sex with a partner 10 years younger and one-tenth with a partner 10 years older . One-third gave gift / favors for sex and majority gave these to girlfriends . About a quarter paid for sex , mostly to commercial sex workers and most were regular customers . Most respondents had concurrent sex relations and about half of those married had extramarital affairs . Almost all respondents were currently sexually active and about half of respondents had more than a partner . One-fifth took substances for sexual arousal and majority took drugs for these . About one-fifth engaged in anal sex . More of the respondent below the age of 30 years had sexual debut before age 15 years and practiced intergenerational sex . Also , as age increased , payment for sex reduced . More of the single respondents practiced intergenerational sex , paid for sex and had current concurrent relation . More of those who smoked practice intergenerational sex , were multiple sexual relations and engaged in anal sex . More of the respondents who smoked cigarettehad sexual debutbefore the age of 15 years , practiced inter-generational sexual relations and paid / gave gifts for sex . More of those who smoked hemp paid for sex , had concurrent sexual relations and engaged in anal sex . More of the respondents who took alcohol practiced inter-generational sex , paid for sex , had multiple sexual relations and practiced anal sex . Determinants of participating in risky sexual behavior were age ( young ), marital status ( single ), drinking alcohol and smoking hemp Based on findings of this study , Awareness campaigns giving appropriate information about HIV / AIDS and STIs should be intensified on radio , television , newspapers and within motor parks . Training of peer educators among NURTW members who can serve as sources of information and referral for members . Banning of sale of alcohol and hemp in motor parks and provision of counseling services on substance abuse within motor parks
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AMSUL Digest 2014