Other than promoting abuse and giving doctors the right to murder , euthanasia also contradicts religious beliefs . Euthanasia manages to contradict more than just one religion and is considered to be gravely sinful . For instance , the Roman Catholic Church has its own opinion on Euthanasia . The Vatican ' s 1980 Declaration on Euthanasia said in part “ No one can make an attempt on the life of an innocent person without opposing God ' s love for that person , without violating a fundamental right , and therefore without committing a crime of the utmost sin .” It also says that “ intentionally causing one ' s own death , or suicide is therefore equally wrong as murder , such an act on the part of a person is to be considered as a rejection of God ' s sovereignty and loving plan .” In fact , a Jewish Rabbi Immanuel Jakobovits warns that a patient must not shrink from spiritual distress by refusing ritually forbidden services or foods if necessary for healing ; how much less he may refuse treatment to escape from physical suffering . As there is no possibility of repentance or self-destruction , Judaism considers suicide a sin worse than murder . Therefore , euthanasia , voluntary or involuntary is forbidden . Islam too finds euthanasia to be immoral and against Allah ' s teachings . Actually , the whole concept of life not worthy of living does not exist in Islam ! There is absolutely no justification of taking life to escape suffering in Islam . Patience and endurance are highly regarded and rewarded values in Islam . Some verses from the Holy Quran say – “ Those who patiently preserve would truly receive a reward without measure ” ( Quran 39:10 ) and “ And bear in patience whatever may befall you ; this , behold is something to set one ' s heart upon ” ( Quran 31:17 ). The Holy Prophet Mohammad taught “ When the believer is afflicted with pain , even that of a prick of a thorn or more , God forgives his sins , and his wrong doings are discarded as a tree sheds off its leaves .” When means of preventing or alleviating pain fall short , this spiritual dimension can be very effectively called upon to support the patient who believes that accepting and standing unavoidable pain will be to his / her credit in the hereafter , the real and enduring life . This shows that euthanasia is contradictory to most religious beliefs and is certainly baloney to those who believe in God and the sanctity of life . The truth remains that we should be wary of movements that feel the need to resort to feel-good euphemisms to hide the reality of their agenda and goals . Assisted suicide still remains what it is – suicide , and this term is descriptive and accurate . When it is legalized it amounts to state-approved suicide . This is the reality we must deal with and stop the pretense but we have failed to realize that the care of human life and happiness and not the destruction should be the first and only legitimate objective of good government . A favorite of euthanasia proponents is the autonomy / choice argument . Once again , and contrary to marketing rhetoric , patient ’ s
“ choice ” is not assured . Really , when people are being killed without their own approval , it seems to me that choice turns out to be a lie . As with would-be jumpers on the bridge deck , a gaping chasm awaits those who would be “ masters of their fate ”, only in the end , the choice may cease to be theirs . Choice is a lie . Family relatives that often choose this option , I feel are only running away from the responsibilities they owe their loved ones which are to take care of their ill loved ones . Even if anguish and emotions are put forward as factors that would have prompted a family ' s choice to euthanize their loved ones , we should not forget that by their nature they obscure clear thoughts . I ' ll conclude by saying that there ' s absolutely nothing dignified about committing suicide with or without help . I want to live every moment that I can , whatever happens to me in future regarding health , and I dread someone who thinks they know better than me , one day deciding that I would be better dead . While there is life , there is always hope , however grim the prognosis . Many people will live in fear and dread if euthanasia is legalized . Euthanasia should not be legalized . It is by no means a solution to human suffering . Though euthanasia is a controversial subject , it is evident that it only disrupts the normal pattern of life and leads towards creating a more violent and abusive society . Life is a gift and a choice and practices such as euthanasia violates this vital concept of human society .
AMSUL Digest 2014