Bread November-December 2013 | Page 3

ON FAITH Reflections on Advent as a Time of Preparation By Billy Kangas Advent is a time of preparation and expectation for the coming of Christ, the time before celebrating the “joy to the world” that God’s incarnation becomes. In advance of a celebratory Christmas season that follows Advent, A Liberian girl sits on her mother’s lap during church. we often take time to reflect on the themes of hope, peace, joy, and love, which gets us ready for a world that have every problem figured out, but biologist and philosopher, once wrote, Christ has entered. The faithful remem- we serve a God who loved this world “Joy is the infallible sign of the presber the story of what God has done and enough to join us in it. We trust that ence of God.” If this is true, every when Jesus said, “Behold, I am making moment of joy is like a little Christlook toward where God is going. mas in our lives. Advent is not only G.K. Chesterton wrote, “Hope is all things new,” he meant it. Biblical peace is a time when we hope for the coming the power of bea more than a ces- of Christ in great history-changing ing cheerful in cir- “We may not have every sation of wars. It is events. It is also a time where we hope cumstances that problem figured out, but we a reconstituting of for little moments of joy, and invite we know to be des- serve a God who loved this reality where mercy God to use us as instruments of joy perate.” It is not a world enough to join us in and justice reign, for the world. blissful ignorance or it. We trust that when Jesus In the fourth century, Saint Aupower becomes subwishful thinking but said, ‘Behold, I am making gustine wrote, “What does love look a subversive cheer all things new,’ he meant it.” servient to hospitalthat refuses to let cirity, and governance like? It has the hands to help others. It cumstance triumph is driven by grace. has the feet to hasten to the poor and over courage, doubt overcome faith, or It confronts rulers with a vision: God’s needy. It has eyes to see misery and adversity conquer compassion. This is way of life. Advent invites us to see the want. It has the ears to hear the sighs and sorrows of men.” Advent gives us not easy; it is not our default setting. peace of God as a way of life. When we hit brick walls, the first emoJoy comes upon us unexpectedly. It space to step back and love. By taking tion that naturally arises is generally jumps out at us from behind sunsets, the focus off ourselves we are able to not hope. Hope requires a strength that peeks out in the smile of a stranger, see the needs of others. comes from focusing on a greater vi- and takes hold in a child’s laughter. Billy Kangas is the fellow for Catholic sion than what is wrong. We may not Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, a Jesuit Relations at Bread for the World. 3 Laura Elizabeth Pohl for Bread for the World Hope, Peace, Joy, Love