November-December 2013 |
Laura Elizabeth Pohl for Bread for the World
is a collective Christian voice
urging our nation’s decision
makers to end hunger
at home and abroad
Jane Sebbi carries scraps of matoke (a type of banana) to feed her pigs in Kamuli, Uganda. In
addition to raising animals, Sebbi grows corn, bananas, coffee, amarinth, potatoes, soy beans,
common beans and sweet potatoes.
Protecting Foreign Assistance
During the upheavals over the budget in recent years, Bread for the
World and our partners have been successful in maintaining funding
for U.S. programs that help hungry and poor people around the world.
We have driven a major U.S. initiative focused specifically on hunger,
and we have helped to improve the quality of U.S. foreign assistance.
Bread will continue to advocate for the protection of programs that
provide lifesaving food aid, help thousands of farmers learn increase
their yields and incomes, and educate children.
Aid Remains Strong in Tough Budget Climate
During the George W. Bush and early Obama years, U.S. funding for programs
that help reduce poverty around the world tripled to $22 billion annually, in part
because of the persistent advocacy of Bread for the World members. This povertyfocused development assistance (PFDA), which accounts for less than one percent
(See PFDA on page 2)
IN THIS ISSUE | On Faith 3 Bread Slices 4 Policy Focus 5 Member Profile 6 Field Focus 7 Contact Us 8
Congress has only a short window
of time to agree on a budget,
sequestration replacement, and
the farm bill—legislation that has
enormous consequences for
struggling families at home and
abroad. Call your members of
Congress and ask them to:
• Replace sequestration with a
balanced approach that includes
revenues and responsible
spending cuts,
• Reject any legislation that would
cut vital anti-hunger programs,
• Protect SNAP and international
food aid from cuts in the farm bill.
Call the Capitol switchboard to
be connected to your member of
Congress: 202-224-3121.