Bread May-June 2013 | Page 7

advocacy in action Robin Stephenson/Bread for the World Ecumenical Advocacy Days Provide Prologue to Bread for the World’s National Gathering Rev. Gary Cook, director of Church Relations at Bread for the World, holds up “A Place at the Table,” the 2013 Offering of Letters handbook during a session with Barbie Izquierdo, at Ecumenical Advocacy Days, held April 5-8 in Washington, D.C. Izquierdo is featured in the documentary film of the same name. More than 700 people gathered April 5-8, in Washington, D.C., for Ecumenical Advocacy Days 2013—and Bread for the World members and staff were well represented among them. This year’s conference began with three days of worship and workshops on the theme “God’s Table: Food Justice for a the opportunity to express that, not only do they feel that you Healthy World.” care about their situation, but they feel a connection to your The faith- and fact-filled weekend, cosponsored by Bread program and that [by] working together you can probably for the World, culminated in a Capitol Hill lobbying effort. make a change.” Participants told their members of Congress that a faithful Izquierdo will be one of the featured speakers at Bread for farm bill will alleviate hunger and malnutrition, support the World’s 2013 National Gathering: “A Place at the Table,” farms and communities, and protect God’s creation. which will be held June 8-11 in Washington, D.C. The event This year’s Offering of Letters focuses on ensuring a place will be packed with informative workshops, as well as opporat the table for all people. So Bread memtunities to hear world-renowned preachbers are closely following farm bill negoers, development and nutrition experts, tiations and calling for robust funding for “As lawmakers continue to and government officials. prime anti-hunger programs: internation- debate the federal budget, Pastor Bob Wilson of Colbran, Colo., al food aid and the Supplemental Nutri- programs that support who was also profiled in A Place at the Table, tion Assistance Program (SNAP, formerly hungry and poor people will talk about his firsthand experience food stamps). hang in the balance.” with rural hunger. Other speakers include Bread for the World’s Women of Faith – Rev. David Beckmann Rev. Dr. James Forbes from the Riverside for 1,000 Days Movement hosted an openChurch in Harlem; Rev. Luis 6