On Faith
Lent, a Time to Focus on
Civic Engagement
Lent is traditionally a time of re- lence and inequality. Allowing them
flection and sacrifice. Some loudly– to touch us personally is painful. Durand proudly–announce what they are ing this season, can each of us risk
“giving up” for the season, but others breaking our own hearts by tapping
take seriously the admonition from into this suffering so that it becomes
Jesus that, “when you fast, put oil on part of who we are? Lent, a time of
your head and wash your face, so that private self-reflection, is a perfect time
it will not be obvious to others that to do this—just as Jesus took on the
pain of the world.
you are fasting” (Matthew. 6: 16-17).
As Gospel people, we are then
Throughout the year, including
during Lent, I believe that faith-filled called to turn our internal pain into
action for justice.
people are called to
Our response transengage in the publates into civic enlic sphere—but not “Together, as a community
of faith, we are stronger,
gagement so that
because of a desire
our voices blend
to be “public.” In- and it becomes far more
and become one
stead, this call rises difficult for those in power
with those of sufferfrom the obligation to ignore us.”
ing people who are
to live the Gospel in
not heard. Combintoday’s world. I see
Lent as a special time to move closer ing our voices makes all of our voices
to God in an intentional way. Answer- louder as we stand together in the
ing the Gospel call to act for justice quest for justice.
Civic engagement shows a comwill strengthen our bonds with one
another—and ultimately, of course, mitment to faithfully live the Gospel
by being hope in our troubled world.
with God.
Public engagement begins with Those of us engaged in social justice
listening intently to the needs of the advocacy know how difficult it can be
people, and then actively responding. at times to become that hope. It is far
Human needs and suffering are more too easy to become disillusioned with
than evident in this nation so deeply politics and power when they stand
marked by continuing poverty, vio- in the way of justice. For example, it
Photo courtesy NETWORK
By Sister Simone Campbell
may be clear to us that our country
must address rising income disparities for both moral and practical reasons, but partisan interests build huge
roadblocks. Those barriers can drain
us of hope, and we are tempted to disengage.
It is during those times of discouragement that we most need each
other. Together, as a community of
faith, we are stronger, and it becomes
far more difficult for those in power
to ignore us. That, in turn, makes it
easier for us to transform injustice
into justice.
I hope we will all use Lent as a time
to foster a new commitment to civic
engagement that will stay with us
long after Easter has come and gone.
By taking this action, we can truly call
ourselves Gospel people.
Sister Simone Campbell is the executive
director of NETWORK, A National Catholic Social Justice Lobby. She is a leader of
“Nuns on the Bus.”
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