Bread January-February 2014 | Page 5

BREAD SLICES Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, March 5. Churches and communities of faith may order free copies of Bread’s “Lenten Prayers for Hungry People” to distribute to parishoners and others. This year’s “table tent” provides Scripture readings, prayers, and suggested actions for the six Sundays of Lent following Year A of the Revised Common Lectionary. To view, download, or order copies, visit, or call 800-822-7323. 2014 Hunger Report Available 2014 HUNGER REPORT ENDING HUNGER IN AMERICA Lenten Prayers for Hungry Peop le Readings, yer observe Len Fo urt h prain s, and actions to help you We ek in — pre t 201 and your fam pared by Bre ily Fift h We 3Le nt March 10 -16 ad Firs t sus ek in ek in Len t March 17-23 for the World Je We We Len Week 17-2 lcomest Febr y 24-March 2 Jesus is SeconSinneuaryin Lent Februar d rs 3 Josh REFLE ACTION CTION JesPsal ua 5:9-12 Anointed for Death usm Faces Tem P R AY E R the P 32 Lent Isaiah 43:16-21 ptation E One in five children in timeR Third Week HisLent March 3-9remePisRaAY P Rto E R Christ, OARCAY E R you willingly the Deut2 Corinthians 5:16 Phili eronomy 126 O GodthoseAY O Psalm Announces in Plan mber , we who ChriIst, in your United States now faces T O -21 Luke 15:126:1-11 Jesus John ppians 3:4b-14 are Psalm 91:1-2, -3, 11b Hol y We ek12:1 C live theaprodO Christ, set your course to AN T I O Nthreat of hunger. Too many Romans 10:8 lem in desert not both March 24-30 -8 9-16 -32 Go to Jerusab-13 igal son and give deathfaced As and to of we their choo thanks for Jerusalem andpart ofresurr Len n, aren’t getting you rectio the elder Luke 4:1-13 Jesus, full Mary took ten journey, conq so brother. death on the cross go than three-quar C T I need Jesus Offers Mercy and Forgiveness sing, those Mary andyou haveMore uered kids in America O N to of aSpiri Aters But whi the poun who have beenyour disci Save us from all all the forcethe worldby nutrition they by the Spirit le heHolyJesus of costly perfume of pure nard prod t,dretur15:1-12, 17-18 yourself of to see—the despair ples made or with a ’s poorest one week during still far off, the wilde Genesis Jesus from the Jorda in [the , anointed ned andand from desertedthat we might live. s of evil. grow and learn. In 2013, igal Suffers Death n whose faith peop During these le depe grou on For Lent, by the devil. dhis fatherrness, where for55:1-9 wipe them 27 ’ feet, and and 1 Corinthians 10:1-13forgotten. e. prid and Isaiah Psalmson] was forty was led faith to r Grant usfrom youuse days of nd p farm was with is urging saw Thr ing filled with Isaiah her hair. The for their liveli himPsalm hous — Lawroughwitness guide our Lentumelife church—the Bread for the Worldby on just two filled with thepass 50:4-9ans 3:17– 4:1was he was tempted doc , may we you ence Cunn love Philippiaand 63:1-8days com fragr new hood try getting of e 9:28-43 Luke 13:1-9 and put and tus Lent ringham,this giftthe new ntar be PlacCongress to protect funding Incre “A ance emerigrace in en pilgrimag strengthenof y,asing agricat . dollars a day. That’s the Psalm ion; 13:31-35 —LuPhilippian e ultural profe Luke ran or Luke work ed by You kissedlivehis arm around 31:9heof the perfume. 4:1-2a s 2:5-11 ke who him turn us arou Chr outp e. SpiriTable.” Thisyour for May the of theology ssor ist, to do your t, soproductivity erfuprograms that enable a third in the shelter him -16 he said Luke 22:1 amount that nearly and . new sick that we powin So 4-23:56 —Joh father of son ofabide [The These are the Most High to the gardener, “…For three yearsUniversityof atnd so who min