This is my version of chicken katsu with a little twist!
Chicken finger like entree, gourmet enough for adults but
also basic enough for the kiddos. I wanted fried chicken
fingers that were light and not too bready, and also really
wanted this Japanese side with vegetables and a brown
sesame sauce. I also paired it with whipped potatoes. Hey, I
know it’s weird
flip chicken once, cooking both sides for 4 - 5
but this was
good. I loved
the sauce of
Preheat oven to 200ºF. Assemble a baking
the vege with
sheet with foil, then a cooling rack on top of
the chicken
that. This allows excess oil to drip off of the
and potatoes.
chicken rather than soak into your food. This
equals less greasy and more crispy finish for
Hope you get
your food. Add finished chicken tenders to
to enjoy it too,
the cooling rack. Place rack and sheet into the
some night
oven. Turn oven off, this will help to keep your
when you’re
food warm while you finish cooking.
feeling daring
to try a new
Japanese Peppers: In a saucepan over medium
thing. Happy
heat. Melt coconut oil. Add onions. Saute for
3 minutes. Add peppers. Cook for 2 more
minutes. Add soy sauce, tea, honey, and ketchup. Drop heat down to medium-low and
cook for 10 minutes or until reduced. Remove
onions and peppers and set aside. Turn heat
back up to medium-high and reduce sauce
down to a syrup about 5 more minutes or so.
Stir occasionally so nothing burns. Once syrup
is achieved, add onions and peppers back to
sauce. Turn off heat, add sesame oil, scallions,
and sesame seeds. Serve immediately.