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Case study - Fairy Tale IS ADVERTISING TODAY’S A FAIRY TALES? Brands Illustrated hits the ground running relating two diverse streams into a suspiciously seamless connect! dvertising – like God – seems to be all-pervasive! Its everywhere, all the time, leading the over-heated frenzied champions of this calling to – wrongly – believe that it truly works like a hypodermic needle! Its time to gently explode this myth with some hard truths. Crafting messages for impact seems to be this lot’s mantra, followed by choosing the right medium and loading it with heavy-duty messages. There is a - mistaken – belief that messages [per se] are powerful, sexy and dynamic while audiences are … passive! This is 7-star bullcrap! The fact is: It is not what the message does to the reader, but rather what the reader does with the message! Meaningful communication happens only when the audience tangos with the take-out. Hence trueblue empowerment – engage, entertain, enrich – is about convergence, not confrontation. Audience behaviour – not attitude – should be the crux of this agenda. And this is exactly where the wonderful world of fairy tales enter … wondrous stories spun with pizzazz within a tight time-frame and focused message. Oral communication has always fascinated the human mind, with imagination forever playing a starring role, with … and they lived happily ever after, eternally providing the desired, feel-good finale right? As globalization, consumerism and virtual life continue their turbo-charge into our life & times and disintegration of joint families becomes a harsh reality, cruelly exiting Grannies as official story-tellers, the conventional, charming, old-world yarns of yesteryears seem to have found a new, exciting avatar & life in a whole new form – Ads! Advertising – like the best Bollywood mainstream masala – is mandated to pan out seductively crafted dreams that, somewhere, are anchored in realism! An elaborately choreographed lie that somehow