Brands Guideline Samples P54 Lotus Cam Ranh - Brand Guidelines 2016 | Page 4

CAM RANH - BRAND GUIDES AFFINITY CAM RANH 11°54’03.12”N - 109.08’25.58”E ABOUT AFFINITY CAM RANH Affinity Cam Ranh resembles an endless interconnected-bond with nature, life and energy. Cam Ranh is rich with natural qualities, cherished ocean vistas and endless horizons, which face eastward towards tomorrow. The nation’s first beams of morning sunlight bless Cam Ranh’s coastline, rousing the natural surrounds with a unique and invigorating energy. The sun breathes life into Cam Ranh, nurturing nature. This energy is symbolic of the regions spirituality and marvel that induce a real ideal of well-being. At the heart of Affinity are the Five Elements; Earth (土 tǔ) Fire (火 huǒ) Metal (金 jīn) Wood (木 mù) Inspired by the mystic connection between elements Affinity Cam Ranh will represent harmony amongst the components used to make up the logo. 02 Water (水 shuǐ)