Brands Guideline Samples P54 Lotus Cam Ranh - Brand Guidelines 2016 | Page 28

CAM RANH - BRAND GUIDES CAM RANH - BRAND GUIDES FREIGHTBIG PRO - BLACK ITALIC TYPOGRAPHY FONTS TO BE USED HEADLINES 1. FreightBig Pro - Black Italic (primary) 2. Baskerville - Regular (secondary) BODYCOPY 1. Baskerville - Regular (primary) ALTERNATIVE / FEATURE / OTHER 1. Proxima Nova - Regular (Dates, Website URL’s, Contact Details) 1. Baskerville - Italic (Dates, Website URL’s, Contact Details, Quotes) DIGITAL - WEBSAFE 1. Proxima Nova - Regular (Dates, Website URL’s, Contact Details) 1. Baskerville - Italic (Dates, Website URL’s, Contact Details, Quotes) Please Note: Not all letter characters are available in all languages in the typeface ‘FreightBig Pro’. In this instance please substitute the font for Baskerville. 06 ABC..123” PHOTOGRAPHY STYLE Baskerville - Regular ABC..123” Baskerville - Italic ABC..123” Proxima Nova - Regular ABC..123” 07