Book, Line & Sinker
By Matt Haig
Brand Loyalty
Some say that brand success equals business
success, and since there is no single magic
formula for creating a winning brand, studying
the best brands can provide many winning
strategies for those looking for a better way to
brand. Branding expert Matt Haig, the author
of the acclaimed Brand Failures, has studied
the longevity, technological advancements,
new product developments, workplaces, mass
communications, achievements and financial
success of hundreds of brands to determine the
best of the bunch. The result of his research is
Brand Royalty, a book that provides a list of 100
brand success stories, helpful commentary about
them from brand managers and experts from
a variety of fields, and the secrets behind their
worldwide recognition as great brands.
A 1984 for the 21st century, the novel explores
a possible world which has been taken over by
the corporate totalitarianism of the ULTIMATE
company. Personal identity and meaning have
become trading commodities and the central
characters struggle to maintain their individuality
in the face of a world which has registered,
trademarked and copyrighted their very existence.
By Cally Phillips
Future Perfect: The Case for
Progress in a Networked Age
Tubes: A Journey to the Center
of the Internet
Johnson has built his career as an unabashed
champion of contemporary digital culture,
debunking critics and promoting the nurture of
ideas and innovation. He goes the next step in this
book with an examination of the ways in which
digital sophistication and imaginative reinvention
are transforming everything. Decentralized peer
networks that channel and harness the flow
of data are remaking government, education,
railways, community infrastructure and more.
The term Big Data gets thrown around a lot, but
what it actually means is less well understood.
Big Data is the future, so it is essential for
brand marketers to get up to speed right away.
Yet, there are few primers offering a solid
foundational understanding of Big Data much less
a comprehensive look at its many incarnations,
including those directly affecting brand marketers.
This book, written specifically for senior business
executives with little or no background in IT, fills this
gap. Covering a wide variety of industries, data
environments and business applications, this book
is the best resource for getting in the know quickly,
intelligently and proficiently.
By Steven Johnson
By Andrew Blum
Ad Women:
The Little Book of Big Data,
2012 Edition
Ad Women: How They Impact What We Need,
Want and Buy by Juliann Sivulka, tells the story
of women and the ad business, and that of all
people—how we become empowered by respect,
independence, and confidence. From the early
20th century when agencies first hired women to
learn how to sell to women, to modern milliondollar ad firms run by female executives, this
book explains how women brought style and
substance to both a business and a nation.
By Noreen Burlingame
By Juliann Sivulka
The Global Brand
Habit: The 95% of Behavior
Marketers Ignore
In The Global Brand: How to Create and Develop
Lasting Brand Value in a World Market Nigel
Hollis confronts the dilemma all brands must
tackle when going global: how to communicate
a cohesive, international brand strategy to people
who view the world differently. By examining
mega-brands from Coca-Cola and Pampers to
Nokia and Google, Hollis explores the importance
of authenticity, innovation and engaging complex
cultures to establish relationships with local
By Nigel Hollis
The term Big Data gets thrown around a lot, but
what it actually means is less well understood.
Big Data is the future, so it is essential for brand
marketers to get up to speed right away. Yet, there
are few primers offering a solid foundational
understanding of Big Data much less a
comprehensive look at its many incarnations,
including those directly affecting brand marketers.
This book, written specifically for senior business
executives with little or no background in IT, fills
this gap. Covering a wide variety of industries,
data environments and business applications, this
book is the best resource for getting in the know
quickly, intelligently and proficiently.
In, Habit: The 95% of Behavior Marketers Ignore,
Neale Martin explains how consumer response
is guided by the subconscious mind. Martin
provides a practical guide to the human psyche
and the behaviors that form a habit: discovery,
purchase, and use. From analyzing neurons in
scientific experiments to broad theories regarding
advertising campaigns, this book explores the
psychology of consumers without reducing them
to brainless purchasing machin W2ࠤ'