Infographic: what annoys us
most about your brand on
social media?
Jennifer Whitehead
Are we a nation of pedants? The answer is most resoundingly yes, at least if you go by this piece of research into what annoys
people most about brands on social media. Post 300 updates every day shamelessly begging people to buy your wares?
Apparently that’s way less annoying than one or two p ithy updates but making a typo or, God forbid, a grammar mistake.
Lance Concannon, director of Disruptive Communications, the agency that put the research together, says: “A lot of people talk
about the need for brands to be less formal when they communicate through social media, but this survey shows that there
is a danger in letting standards slip too far. While a more relaxed tone of voice may be desirable, it’s very important to have
quality control in place to ensure that spelling errors and other sloppy mistakes don’t slip through and cause brand-damage.
“The findings also illustrate that you can’t take a one-size fits all approach in social media. Younger consumers clearly have
different expectations and priorities – overall people said that not posting updates frequently enough wasn’t a major concern
for them, but the 18- to 24-year-olds listed it as their most important issue.”
What else can you do to annoy people? To be fair, they’ll probably be miffed if you do send out those 300 salesy updates, so
you might want to hold back. And no bad jokes!