BrandKnew September 2013 April 2014 | Page 13 12 3. WORST: THE ARCHITECTURE OF THE 2014 WINTER OLYMPICS So, how did all these ridiculously expensive skating palaces and ice domes turn out? We ranked the Sochi architecture from best to worst (spoiler alert: Vladimir Putin’s chest is tied for number one). 4. BEST: A REBRANDED OLYMPIC MUSEUM More impressive than most of Sochi’s gaudy monoliths was Base Design’s rebranding of the Olympic Museum in Switzerland, a sleek graphic identity, which we awarded with an imaginary gold medal. 5. BEST?: BEHIND THE MINIMAL LOOK OF THE 2014 OLYMPICS LOGO With all the money they spent, you’d think the Olympic Committee could have designed a flashier Sochi logo. But there’s actually a compelling story behind the 2014 logo’s minimal, futuristic look. The first Olympic logo made with the digital world in mind, it beat out an original proposal for a more traditional, ornate design. Check out the history of Olympic logos (many of them much worse than Sochi’s) here. 6. WORST: UNDER ARMOUR’S MACH 39 SPEEDSKATING SUIT Sochi’s biggest uniform fiasco came when the American speedskating team ditched Under Armour’s fancy Mach 39 speedskating suit. Team members claimed it slowed them down, and switched back to their old suits. Embarrassing for Under Armour, but not as embarrassing as one poor bobsledder’s pants split. 7. WORST: THE SOCHI POSTER (AND MORE OLYMPIC POSTERS, FROM THE GOOD TO THE BAD TO THE UGLY) A tour through Olympic posters from 1906 to today is a lesson in the evolution of graphic design. Posters throughout the last century channeled Art Deco, minimalism, the hippie aesthetic, and Keith Haring’s graffiti art, all toward the same end of capturing the spirit of the games through design. Sochi’s poster, a vivid diamond pattern, doesn’t capture much of anything.