To be successful on the market a company / brand must have a clear mission, message, must be unique, needs to have a corporate identity (complex appearance, visibility, behaviour, communication) which makes him distinctive form its competitors,
which create an emotion and an image when customers think about the brand.
The visual elements of this complex communication should be collected in the
Company brand book, which contains all the rules how the elements of the visual
appearance can be used in/on different media.
It’s always prepared after logo and its aim is to have a systematic visual language
around the logo. What kind of elements can be used? ikons, pictograms, parts of the
logo, that have their own meanings as well.
The corporate identity book/ guideline contain and prescribe the logo usage rules,
typeface system, color palette, layout guidelines, typography and even more. They
exist so that others can create design collateral and marketing materials that will
have a cohesive look and voice.
It is the core of the corporate identity includes the logo, templates, fonts and other
resources packaged together to make easier designing any material marketing
Key components of the visibility plan may depend on the industry and on where
and how the company plans to reach its target audience.
Creating your company/brand identity, image, think over, that on what kinds of
platforms will you, your products, services be presented:
Offline contact points when your brand meets physically your customers:
- name cards, envelope
- promotional materials (toys, pen, balloon, cloths)
- packaging
- shop design, interior
- your sales team (their behave, their uniform, car, communication)
- incentive and any other company events (decoration, gifts, place, entertainment
- customer service
- billboards, magazine ads, catalogues, newsletters
- exhibitions...
- Website, facebook/twitter/LinkedIn company profile
- Instagram, Pinterest
- Remarketing
- Emailing, newsletters, online magazines, blog...