think out loud 6
When I was a boy of 14, my
father was so ignorant, I
could hardly stand to have
the old man around. But
when I got to be 21, I was
astonished at how much
the old man had learned in
seven years. - Mark Twain
cognitive ability
Needless to mention, your kid’s
cognitive ability will improve
drastically at this age. According
to Piaget’s theory of cognitive
development, children in the age
of 2 to 7 are capable of problem
activities. They are able to make an
object or word to be more than
the usual definition. For example,
some may imagine a broom to be
a magical broomstick which they
could ride on or imagine a carpet
as a magical carpet that could fly.
In addition, children will be able to
pick up on language much faster
during this age group, spending
some extra time to chat with your
child can really improve their
Many times we overlooked how
our child is growing and changing,
happens naturally. The brain of the 1
child at this age is like a sponge
and they can absorb anything
quickly. Hence, if the parents
spent extra time to play, enjoy
time and build relationships with
your child, it can really facilitate
the child’s growth and learning. 4, 5
6. Cedit to Reader's Digest. Dad Jokes, Retrieved
from https://www.rd.com/jokes/dad/page /5/?
[Accessed at 1 Jun. 2019]
1. Human only use 10
percent of our brain?
Luckily it's a myth, we
actually use all of it. We
use even more than 10
percent when we sleep.
2. Dreams are a combination
of imagination,
psychological factors and
neurological factors. They
prove that your brain is
working even when you
are sleeping.
3. The brain can’t feel pain. It
can only interpret pain
signals that are sent to it.
4. The human brain gets
smaller as we grow older.
This usually happens after
middle age.
5. Eyewitness description of
criminal suspects is
usually only about 50
percent accurate because
it is difficult for your brain
to remember the details
of someone you’re not
familiar with.
7. Wells, D. (2017). 21 fun facts about the brain.
[online] Available at:
the-brain#1 [Accessed on 20 Jul. 2019]
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