Brain Waves: UAB Traumatic Brain Injury Model System Newsletter Volume 17 | Number 1 | Page 4

TBI INFORMATION SPOTLIGHT NIDILRR How much do you know about the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR)? Not much, probably, but you have without doubt benefited from NIDILRR if you have a traumatic brain injury or other disability. The history dates back to 1978 with the Rehabilitation, Comprehensive Services, and Developmental Disabilities amendment to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. This amendment established the National Institute on Handicapped Research (NIHR). NIHR was charged with the prime responsibility of providing the required knowledge for defining needs, and of identifying the means for improving services to individuals with disabilities. Some new initiatives and changes that NIHR spear-headed included, but were not limited to: • Research that improved the rehabilitation and habilitation of children with disabilities as well as older Americans with disabilities; • Conduct of model research and training centers on innovative programs and techniques for evaluating, training, and placing individuals with disabilities in productive work; • Conduct of a research program to determine ways to train and retain rehabilitation professionals to serve in rural areas; • Development and implementation of a public education program, based on research results, to inform the public about the needs, concerns and problems of individuals with disabilities including information relating to family care, self-care, and preventative aspects of rehabilitation and habilitation; • Establishment of a program to improve the development, evaluation, production, and 4 • • distribution of technological systems and devices that could improve the quality of life of persons with disabilities; Development, in conjunction with other federal agencies, of statistical reports on the employment, health, income, and other demographic characteristics of individuals with disabilities; and The conduct of projects by private profit-making organizations, non-profit public entities, as well with universities. NIHR became the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR) in 1986 with another amendment. NIDRR’s basic purpose and reason for being did not change much. The name change was mainly an update in terminology to reflect current times. The name changed again in 1998 with the passage of the Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act. Now known as National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research, it has a similar mission to: • generate new knowledge and to promote its effective use to improve the abilities of individuals with disabilities to perform activities of their choice in the community, and • expand society’s capacity to provide full opportunities and accommodations for its citizens with disabilities. Current NIDILRR Programs Disability and Rehabilitation Research Program funds knowledge translation, building capacity for minority research entities, individual research projects, and other work. Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center Program funds advanced engineering research and development of innovative technologies to solve rehabilitation problems or remove environmental barriers for people with disabilities. Switzer Research Fellowship Program provides grants for individuals to perform research on rehabilitation, independent living, and other experiences of people with disabilities. Field-Initiated Projects Program Rehabilitation Research is investigator-initiated research with projects to generate new knowledge. Model Systems Programs provide coordinated systems of rehabilitation care and conduct research on recovery and long-term outcomes for spinal cord injury, traumatic brain injury, and burn injury. Advanced Rehabilitation Research and Training Program increases capacity for high-quality disability and rehabilitation research by supporting grants to institutions to provide advanced research training to individuals with doctorates or similar advanced degrees. Rehabilitation Research and Training Center Programs conduct advanced research, training, and information sharing on topic areas for improving rehabilitation methodology and service delivery systems; improving health and function; and promoting employment, independent living, family support and economic and social self-sufficiency for people with disabilities. Small Business Innovation Research Program supports development of new ideas and projects useful to people with disabilities through grants to small business firms with strong research capabilities in science, engineering, or educational technology. Americans with Disabilities Act National Network funds 10 regional centers for providing information, training, and technical assistance to individuals, businesses, and agencies with rights and responsibilities under the Americans with Disabilities Act.