Brain Waves: UAB Traumatic Brain Injury Model System Newsletter Volume 16 | Number 1
VOL 16 | NUM 1
UAB Traumatic Brain Injury Model System Digital Newsletter
Headline News
The University of Alabama at
Birmingham Traumatic Brain Injury
Model System (UAB-TBIMS)
provides Brain Waves twice annually
as an informational resource for people
with traumatic brain injury (TBI).
UAB-TBIMS Program Director:
Thomas Novack, PhD
Brain Waves Editor: Phil Klebine, MA
529 Spain Rehabilitation Center
1717 6th Avenue South
Birmingham, AL 35233-7330
Phone: 205-934-3283
TDD: 205-934-4642
Fax: 205-975-4691
[email protected]
The contents of this publication
were developed under a
grant from the National
Institute on Disability, Independent Living,
and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR grant
number 90DPTB0015). NIDILRR is a Center
within the Administration for Community
Living (ACL), Department of Health and Human
Services (HHS). The contents of this publication
do not necessarily represent the policy of
NIDILRR, ACL, HHS, and you should not assume
endorsement by the Federal Government.
©2018 University of Alabama Board of Trustees.
The University of Alabama at Birmingham
provides equal opportunity in education and
Are you looking for tools to develop a workplace more inclusive of
people with disabilities? Consider downloading the new, FREE Mobile
Accommodation Solution (MAS) App from the Job Accommodation
Network. The MAS app serves as a first-generation mobile case
management tool to help employers, service providers, and individuals
effectively address accommodation requests in the workplace.
The app will support talent management, human resources, and/or
accommodation staff to create inclusive workplaces by facilitating the
process of accommodating applicants, candidates, and employees. The
app will also support service providers to help people with disabilities
better manage the accommodation process. The app will also enable
people with disabilities to develop an accommodation request letter,
send the request, and track the progress of the request. Read more
In a recent study by the Southeastern Michigan Traumatic Brain Injury
System Center, researchers looked at factors that might relate to long-
term outcomes after TBI. They wanted to find out whether or not people
with a history of psychiatric disabilities or incarceration before their
TBI experienced more long-term problems than people without such
histories. They also wanted to find out whether or not the severity of the
TBI, age at injury, and pre-injury education levels were linked with the
severity of long-term problems.
The finding suggest that, when compared persons without a history
of psychiatric disabilities or incarceration, those who have a history of
psychiatric disabilities or incarceration before their injury have more
problems with cognition and needed more help with personal care tasks.
They’re also less involved in work, school, and related activities after
their injury. When compared to persons who are younger when injured,
persons who are older when injured are less involved in work, school and
related activities, regardless of the severity of injury. Persons who have
a more formal education reported more problems with cognition than
persons with less formal education. Read more
In a recent study by the Rehabilitation Research and Training Center
on Interventions for Children and Youth with TBI, researchers wanted
to know how well a express version of an internet-based parent training
program with video coaching, called Internet-based Interacting Together
Everyday: Recovery After Childhood TBI (I-InTERACT), would work when
compared with the full-length I-InTERACT and the online resources
alone. They also wanted to find out whether improvements in parenting
skills would link to improvements in children’s behaviors.
The researchers found that the parents in both the full-length and
express training programs improved their positive parenting behavior
more than the parents in the Internet Resources group during and at the
end of the program. Also, parents’ ratings of their children’s behavior
improved for the express I-InTERACT group overall, and for children with
the most severe behavior problems in the full-length I-InTERACT group.
Read more