Brain Waves: UAB TBI Model System Newsletter Volume 19 | Number 1 | Page 2


The Aftermath of Gunshot Traumatic Brain Injuries

A traumatic brain injury ( TBI ) caused by gun violence is one of the most devastating types of violent injury , and much research is needed to fully understand its aftermath . Here , the goal is to explain some of what is known .
Most Common Causes of TBI The Traumatic Brain Injury Model Systems National Data and Statistical Center ( TBINDSC ) reports that the three most common causes of traumatic brain injuries are motor vehicle crashes ( 49 %), falls ( 29 %), and violence ( 21 %).
• Older adults are more likely to be injured by accidental falls .
• Younger adults are more likely to be injured in motor vehicle crashes or by acts of violence .
Violent injuries are intentional injuries and can occur in a number of ways . Here are some examples .
• Striking another person in the head with a fist or an object .
• Pushing another person down causing the head to hit the ground .
• Shooting one ’ s self or another person in the head .
Risk Factors for TBI Caused by Gun Violence
Anyone can experience gun violence , but research suggests there are a few common factors shared by people who are at higher risk . At the time of their injury , they are more likely to be :
• Male ;
• Single ;
• Unemployed ;
• Living alone and in an urban setting ;
• Impaired by alcohol / drug use ; and
• Have access to firearms . A gunshot wound to the head is usually fatal , and research suggests there are a few common factors associated with those who die .
• Males between the ages of 20-24 have the highest risk for death .
• Deaths are more likely to occur among minority populations and more likely to be caused by another person among minority populations .
• Deaths among non-minority population are more often causaed by a self-inflicted injury .
What Happens When a Bullet First Enters the Brain ?
A brain injury caused by a gunshot is very different from one caused by a car crash or fall . First , the brain is literally torn as the bullet passes through it . Second , the bullet causes a rapid back-and-forth expansion and contraction ( shockwave ) of the brain tissue surrounding the path of the bullet . The shockwave extends well beyond the brain tissue torn by the bullet to damage parts of the brain far from the actual bullet path .
• Bullet fragments can splitter from a single bullet and cause multiple tears and shockwaves .
The effects of the damage caused by the bullet and shockwaves depends on what areas of the brain are damaged . The brain has three main parts that control and regulate everything the body does .
• The cerebrum is the largest part of the brain . It mainly initiates and coordinates movement , regulates temperature , enables speech , judgment , thinking and reasoning , problem-solving , emotions and learning . It also has a role in vision , hearing , touch and other senses .
• The cerebellum is a fist-sized portion of the brain located under the cerebrum . It mainly

Get Involved In MSKTC Activities

MSKTC Recruiting Participants for TBI Consumer Factsheet Testing
The Model Systems Knowledge Translation Center ( MSKTC ) is recruiting persons with traumatic brain injury and their caregivers to provide feedback on new consumer factsheets on a wide range of topics such as behavior problems and sleep apnea .
• Participants must be at least 18 years old to be eligible .
• Participants will receive $ 25 for their time .
• Interviews will last about 40 minutes .
• Call 202-403-5600 or email msktc @ air . org to register .
TBI Model System Researchers Recruiting Participants for Survey
Clinicians and researchers across the Traumatic Brain Injury Model Systems are conducting a survey to measure the impact of COVID-19 on the health , well-being , and mental health of persons with TBI . This brief survey will ask respondents to provide anonymous information about how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected their health , well-being , and mental health .
• Participants must be at least 18 years old to be eligible . Participants will receive a $ 50 Amazon gift card for their time .
• Interviews will last about 40 minutes .
• Provide feedback for the survey here .
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