Brain Storm Issue IV: Community | Page 19

“When we take the time to listen to others, we need to really hear them. If someone is struggling, the only person who knows what they need in that moment is them. They might not know what they need to do, but they know how they are feeling. There is so much power in listening, and there is so much power in “me too”. This community means people with whom we can have an open dialogue: a “safe space” to learn how to grow and be authentically ourselves. It means people who are in this fight with us, and those who recognize the importance of empowering others to find their own strength, and make their own decisions, rather than telling them what to do.”

-Ally Geist(Jack Chapter Event Coordinator)

“Information is one of the most valuable currencies globally. We must learn to build relationships with each other, across all cultures, faiths, perspectives etc. We should see each other not as opposition – but an alternative perspective. Everyone you meet knows something you don’t. Expand your thinking, and your knowledge base.”

-Daniel Morris(Jack Summit Delegate)

This community is ours.

This is Our Challenge. Our Voice. Our Movement.

If you’re interested in changing the landscape of mental health in Canada, head to for more information and to join our movement.