Thank you.
You have brought me strength, awareness and understanding.
At times you were a bit harsh.
Filling my head with self doubt, worry and panic.
But how I’ve dealt with your negatives, has made me the person I am today: creative, compassionate and patient.
I don’t always appreciate your timing.
I’m exposed to your games at a young age, then go many years doing just fine until you decide to return again.
I guess you and the universe decided I needed a reminder?!
The most recent reminder was quite intense, but you were right, much needed.
I used to skip events because I was more comfortable in the sheets of my bed, a place where no one would judge.
Somewhere embarrassment and mistakes could be avoided.
Over the years I’ve slowly broken this cycle.
Had the chance to go to Kenya, I took it.
The opportunity to go to India, was on the first flight.
Studied abroad, check.
Attended: birthdays, classes, work, sport games, concerts, dinners, exedra
Sometimes it was hard to open the door and walk outside, like you had me on a leash.
Those few steps from my bedroom to the front porch were the hardest part of the day…
Some days harder than others; each day an obstacle.
But guess what, I did it!
I broke loose of the ropes you had tied around my feet.
Anxiety, you’ve brought me even closer to my family.
We’re totally bonded and have so much love and respect for one another.
For that itself, I am beyond grateful.
So, this is me, making peace with you.
I know there may be more hurdles in the future, but this time I am ready.
I have finally accepted you and am ready to work with, not against you.