Brahmacharya: Celibacy With Understanding(Abr.) Brahmcharya: Celibacy With Understanding(Abr.) | Page 90

Brahmcharya 77 men were devoted to just one wife, married brahmacharis. How good were these people? Whereas today there might be, perhaps one in a thousand like them. Questioner : Say if one has two wives, what is wrong in that? Dadashri : Go ahead and have two wives. There is no problem in this. There is no problem in having even five wives. But if your intentions towards another woman are bad, if another woman passes by and sexual impulses arise, then it is wrong. Shouldn’t there be some principles and rules? There is no problem in having multiple wives. There is a rule in Islam that you should not have sexual thoughts towards women who are not your wives. If you cannot be satisfied with one wife, then have two. They have the rule that you are free to have up to four wives. Who tells you not to keep four wives if you can afford do so? Let people talk if they want to. But you should not hurt any of them. In this day and age, I consider sexual loyalty to one wife brahmacharya, and I guarantee you that you will reap the same fruits of brahmacharya as they did in the times of the Lord Mahavir. Questioner : With regards to sexual loyalty to the wife, does the rule apply to the mind and its sexual thoughts towards other women? It may be possible to be loyal physically, but what about the roving mind and thoughts? Dadashri : The loyalty should also be at the subtle level of the mind too. Whenever the mind wanders away to another woman, you should stay detached from it and continue doing her pratikraman. What is the limit for moksha? The limit is where there is loyalty to one wife and one husband with the mind, speech and body.