Brahmacharya: Celibacy With Understanding(Abr.) Brahmcharya: Celibacy With Understanding(Abr.) | Page 67

54 Brahmcharya The stock of past life stored within you will unfold and therefore the thoughts will come, but the answer to this is pratikraman. It would be wrong if one were to insist that thoughts must not arise. Questioner : Doe that mean that we should reach that stage? Dadashri : Yes, but the state where no sexual thoughts arise, comes from the spiritual development of many life times. Your progress by doing constant pratikramans will come to a level where there will be no sexual impulses, and that is the attained brahmacharya. Once pratikramans start, the end would come after five to ten lives. It may not necessarily end in one lifetime. People are not aware and they do not reflect on the consequences of a sexual thought that arises. They say, what harm can there be in a thought? They do not realize that a sexual thought that lays the seed of a new karma and its discharge karma effect are connected. If a sexual thought does not arise spontaneously, then it would come by looking, externally. [14] Brahmacharya : Eternal Bliss In this kaliyug, current era of the time cycle characterized by a progressive decline in spiritual knowledge and moral deterioration, it is very difficult to practice brahmacharya. Our Gnan is the ocean of bliss and therefore one’s practice of brahmacharya is possible. What is the reason for abrahmacharya and sexual indulgence? It is due to the fire of inner restlessness and discontentment. By working all day long constant inner burning restlessness arises. To quench this fire of restlessness and discontent within, one indulges in transient pleasures of sex. Because of this Gnan there is not a problem for you for moksha but if there is brahmacharya along with it, the resultant bliss is boundless and eternal. There is endless bliss of the kind that the