Brahmacharya: Celibacy With Understanding(Abr.) Brahmcharya: Celibacy With Understanding(Abr.) | Page 24
must first examine and severely test his control over his senses,
and if he feels that he may slip, then it is better for him to get
married. Even after that, it should be under control and he
should alert her about his desire for exercising control.
[2] On The Path Of Total Freedom From Sexual
Questioner : What is the method by which sexual
impulses are gotten rid off in the Akram path?
Dadashri : This is a different path. Here, you do not
have to remove any sexual impulses. So many people practice
brahmacharya of the mind, body and speech here. Those who
are married, find their solution from the way that I have shown
‘Here’, as the Self there is no place for sexual impulses
or sexuality. ‘This’ place, the Self is eternally free from any
movement. It never leaves its original state (nirvikari).
Sexuality is not poison. Fearlessness in sex is poison.
There is no problem in sex if it has to be done, as a last resort,
just as if a policeman were to force you to do so. It should not
happen by your own choice. Do you have any choice but to sit
in the jail if the policeman puts you there? Is there any escaping
from there? Similarly, you do not have a choice when karma
unfolds its account and the sex act in the mind, speech or body,
happens. Any religion that sanctions and allows sexuality is no
religion. Religion exists where there is brahmacharya. No matter
to what little extent religion is present, it must be free from all
elements of sexuality.
Questioner : Yes, that is true, but shouldn’t there be a
means of going from one shore of sexuality to the other shore
of brahmacharya?
Dadashri: Yes, for that there is Gnan. For brahmacharya,