BQ Royal Business Magazine 3 | Page 13

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Some of our choices in life have a lot to do with how we were raised , the experiences , we have and how we respond to both . If we are not prepared to face challenges with spiritual discernment , we will never be in a place to face fear with faith . Faith the Fear is a free book created by Dana Williamson to help women entrepreneurs develop the mind to use their spiritual understanding to accomplish goals . These are not just everyday goals , but obtainable goals necessary for kingdom building in the market place .
What is Faith the Fear ?
It is more than just stepping out on what God has revealed to you ; it is walking it out as well . The challenges you must face IN FAITH help CRUSH FEAR .
1 . You must Identify the fear 2 . Resolve from what you find 3 . Execute from the resolve to put your faith into action .
Walking it out what other see you do which is a bonus .