BPP University - International Prospectus 1 | 页面 2

Contents Be bold. Be different. BPP  04 Everything you need to graduate  with purpose 06 Welcome by Carl Lygo  08 Your career starts when your  studies start 10 Tutor profile: Rachel Holmes  12 Learn from experienced professionals  14 Student profile: Shahryar Mazaheri  16 Teaching you more than just coursework  18 Student profile: Karen Duque 20 Modern facilities 22 Study in the UK’s leading cities 24 • London  • Manchester  • Liverpool • Birmingham  • Bristol  • Leeds  • Abingdon  60 How to apply  164-181 Pathway and English  language programmes Pathway and English language courses  165 and programmes: terms and credits 58 Student profile: Mahmud Showkat Azad Health programmes 144-163 Health programmes terms and credits  145 56 Big step, easy decision  Business programmes  110-143 Business programmes terms and credits  111 54 Make the most of your future and your finances  Law programmes  68-109 Law programmes terms and credits  69 50 Student profile: Sze Wing Kwok  66 48 Studying in the UK English language requirements 44 Student profile: Adil Calleea 64 26 32 34 36 38 40 42 Your student experience  Our programmes and pathways  into higher education 62 Student profile: Yamila Zambelli 182 Disclaimer183 3