Boxmoor Direct November 2023 | Page 25

Pruning : How , When & Why

Getting to know your plants If there ’ s just one thing you can do for your garden plants , it ’ s to get to know them . If you ’ re not sure what you ’ ve got , concentrate on identifying which plants are in your plot so that you can research the requirements of each . November might not be most people ’ s favourite gardening month , but it is a perfect time for swotting up on your plants ’ needs and for tasks such as pruning . So what might need pruning and why ?
Leave these alone Firstly , it ’ s important to appreciate that not every plant needs or likes to be pruned .
• Stone fruit trees , such as cherries and plums , are at risk of picking up a fungal disease called silver leaf if they are pruned when dormant . Avoid pruning all
Prunus species when dormant , even if they are the ornamental kind rather than fruit-bearing .
• Some plants are grown for their winter stem colour , including dogwood ( Cornus ) and some forms of willow ( Salix ). Don ’ t prune these in November , because you won ’ t enjoy the benefit of their main
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