Boxmoor Direct November 2023 | Page 21

Sir Mike Penning MP Update from


I welcome the Prime Minister ’ s announcement at the Conservative Party Conference last month of new efforts to reduce smoking rates and create a ‘ smokefree generation ’ for those born after 1 January 2009 .
I fundamentally believe in freedom of choice , so banning anything goes against the grain , but I know from my time way back as Shadow Health Minister the damage done by smoking . I back the Government ’ s aspiration to make the UK ‘ smokefree by 2030 ’ ( ie smoking rate 5 % or less ).
Smoking is the UK ’ s leading cause of preventable death . It is responsible for around 1 in 4 cancer deaths leading to 64,000 premature deaths per year . It causes a wide range of other problems including heart disease , stroke , cancer , chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ( COPD ), and asthma . Reducing smoking is crucial for ensuring that people live longer , healthier lives .
It is also a huge burden on the economy , costing £ 17 billion a year , through smoking related lost earnings , unemployment , early deaths and costs to the NHS .
When I was first elected in 2005 , one of the first major legislative changes I was involved in was the ban on smoking in public buildings , offices and pubs , which came into force in 2007 . It was a controversial big change at the time , but it is hard to imagine life any different it now .
We have made significant progress in reducing smoking rates in the UK . A combination of the smoking ban , the doubling of duty on cigarettes since 2010 and ongoing funding of stop smoking services has ensured we are well-placed compared to other countries in Europe . France , for example , has almost twice the percentage of the population that smokes compared to the UK ( 24.5 % vs 12.9 %)
As I said at the beginning , I am concerned that this restricts the free choice of adults , and particularly where it sets a precedent in which some adults in this country have greater freedom than others . I am also mindful of the fact that significant progress is already being made to cut smoking rates and , policies such as increased duty , may be a fairer way .
This is new legislation , so it is bound to create some concerns . Whilst a similar policy has already been announced in New Zealand , it has yet to take effect , so we cannot see how it is working out .
The PM has said that this legislation will be subject to a free vote , so I am keen to hear from anyone , particularly any young person who is likely to be most affected , who has views on whether or not this is the right approach to take . Let me know by emailing me at mike . penning . mp @ parliament . uk
www . penning4hemel . com | mike . penning . mp @ parliament . uk | 01442 251126
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