Boxmoor Direct June 2024 | Page 21

Update from Parliament

Sir Mike Penning MP
It is easy to become despondent when things take so long to get through the legislative processes and I can think of many examples ongoing - Post Office Horizon , infected blood ( more on this below ), Primodos , mesh implants , and many more . However , there are occasional success stories that make it all worthwhile .
Earlier in the year I outlined my long-time support for the campaign to ban the export of live animals for slaughter .
As I said in my previous article , I first got involved when I worked for Sir Teddy Taylor MP in the 1990s who had been campaigning on this issue with the slogan “ On the hook , not the hoof ”. I am therefore delighted that the Animal Welfare ( Livestock Exports ) Bill has passed all stages in the Lords and has gone for Royal Assent . It may well be law by the time you read this .
A very long battle , but the commitment made at the last General Election has been honoured and no more animals will suffer the long journeys I witnessed back in the 90s , when I joined journalists following a truck of live sheep being driven from England to Italy without being given any food or water on the journey .
Many were sadly dead on arrival . We can gladly say , never again !
Now , more about infected blood . Way back before 2010 , when I was Shadow Health Minister , I promised that a Conservative Government would compensate people who have been infected or affected by blood products . In the 1970s and 80s , 30,000 people were treated with blood or blood products contaminated with HIV and hepatitis as part of NHS treatment for haemophilia or blood transfusions after childbirth . An interim compensation payment of £ 100,000 has been paid to people directly infected , but nothing as yet to the families of those who have died and those infected deserve full compensation .
The inquiry has published its final report and the Government has 25 days to reply . However , I am backing calls for the Government to implement the findings of the report without delay . This is the biggest scandal in the history of the NHS and has gone on far too long . We need action now !
Finally , when you read this we will be commemorating the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings . In today ’ s unstable times , a timely reminder indeed . I hope future generations don ’ t have to experience what that generation went through .
www . penning4hemel . com | mike . penning . mp @ parliament . uk | 01442 251126
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