Boxmoor Direct June 2024 | Page 12

Time is ticking on and Audrey is getting HUNGRIER AND HUNGRIER !

Time is ticking on and Audrey is getting HUNGRIER AND HUNGRIER !

Audrey , of course , is the man-eating plant which stars in Hemel Hempstead Theatre Company ’ s latest production , Little Shop of Horrors , which will be welcoming unsuspecting audiences into the Boxmoor Playhouse in St John ’ s Road from Tuesday , June 18 to Saturday , June 21 . Performances are at 7.30 pm , except for the Saturday matinee , which is at 2.30 pm and there are still tickets available with prices ranging from £ 15 ( concessions ) to £ 19 .
Audrey is a sociable plant – as you can see from our picture of a rather unusual tea party – but it has to be admitted that her favourite food is …… HUMAN BLOOD !!! And , of course , the more she gets fed , the bigger she grows ! If that goes on much longer , there may not be any cast members left by opening night !
However , director Paula Geere is still looking on the bright side . “ The cast are all having a lot of fun and they ’ re ready to share their fun with audiences now . We ’ re looking forward to the set being completely finished and the costume ladies are working very hard getting everyone kitted out .”
Another team is now hard at work at the Playhouse as Shakespeare ’ s comedy , Much Ado About Nothing , takes shape in rehearsals .
“ We ’ re setting this production at an English country house at the close of World War One ,” says director Maggie Harvey . “ A group of soldiers – mostly officers – is returning from the war to enjoy some down-time with old friends . But budding romance brings complications – for more than one couple !
“ We ’ re lucky to have so much acting talent available to us that we are able to have a large cast drama underway as well as a very popular musical .”
Much Ado will not be on-stage until September 18-21 ; and I shall be able to give you many more details next month . Just at present , as the cast learns Shakespeare ’ s wonderful blank verse , the props department is busy sourcing early 20th century-style props and costumes – and is already in proud possession of a gramophone with a very large , brass horn !
/ HHTheatreCo @ hhtheatreco www . hhtheatreco . com hhtc . membership @ gmail . com
Box Office : 0333 666 3366
12 < Boxmoor Direct < June 2024 <