“ Through all kinds of weather , what if the sky should fall ? As long as we ' re together it just doesn ' t matter at all ... we ' ll be the same as we started . Just travelling along , singing a song , Side by Side .”
Harry M Woods ( November 1896 – 1970 )
The copy for our page in June ' s edition , didn ' t make the final cut , spooked by an annoying little gremlin . Did anyone notice , I wonder ? So this month I ' ll be covering events in May , June and forward to July .
The Rally is the largest gathering of Rolls and Bentley cars in the world . It is expected that there will be more than 500 cars on the field , some over 100 years old .
We ' ve had an awful lot of weather this year and we ' ll be travelling near and far over the next few months in pursuit of the happiness that singing together brings us and , we hope , our audiences .
In early May , we took part in a concert with the Lumina Choir at the old Steiner School in Kings Langley . The event was part of the celebrations for the Mayor ' s Musical Jamboree . We started in rain and finished in sunshine .
A week later we staged our annual Spring Concert in Hemel ' s Methodist church . Titled ' Music on the Waters ', the concert featured variations on a watery theme . We ended the performance with ' Next Time ', a cacophonous piece by a local Hertfordshire composer , based on the Flood . Learning it had been a challenge for the choir , but we got there in the end , to be greeted with loud and enthusiastic applause . We were exhausted and exhilarated in equal measure !
Today , 18th June , we sang 21 songs in rehearsal , in preparation for next Sunday when we ' ll be singing for the Rolls-Royce and Bentley Enthusiasts Rally at Burghley House , about 90 minutes each way . We ' re travelling by charabanc and we ' ll be performing in the beer tent – a bit of liquid refreshment always helps the voice ! I hope to have some appropriate pics for next month ' s mag .
Next on the agenda , on July 16th , is a regular feature of our programme when we invite people to enjoy an informal free concert at the end of a rehearsal . If you ' re looking for a musical interlude on a Tuesday morning do come along . You ' ll find us in the Church of the Resurrection in Henry Wells Square from 11am . There ' s a cafe in the community centre attached , where you can get a cup of coffee and a piece of cake after the show . We look forward to meeting you then .
If you ' re interested in finding out more about us and how to join , please see our Facebook page , visit www . dacorumcommunitychoir . org or phone 07402 181182 if you ' d like to chat to someone .
6 < Boxmoor Direct < July 2024 <