Boxmoor Direct December 2024 | Page 10

special cricket bats to deserving junior players from both clubs . In October , Trustee Stephen Wilson presented one of the bats to Hemel Hempstead Town Cricket Club junior player , Maxwell Clark . At Boxmoor Cricket Club ’ s award evening at the beginning of November , Stephen presented the other bat to Young Player of the Year , Kyle Manning . Congratulations to them both .
Vandalism Alert on Roughdown Common We ' re saddened to report recent vandalism on Roughdown Common , including damage to one of our hawthorn and oak trees . Trees are essential to our ecosystem and community , providing habitats , cleaner air , and a place of peace and natural beauty for everyone . If you notice any damage to trees or other areas on Box Moor Trust land , please let us know right away . Every report helps us protect and preserve these spaces . Together , we can keep our common lands safe and thriving for future generations . Report damage to the Box Moor Trust at 01442 253300 or email admin @ boxmoortrust . org . uk Thank you for helping us safeguard our natural heritage .
Special awards for rising cricket stars The two local cricket clubs that play on Box Moor Trust land held their annual awards ceremonies recently , and the Trust was delighted to once again present very
Kyle Manning
Maxwell Clarke
Did you know that the cricket bats given each year to our local clubs have roots right here in Boxmoor ? The Trust has been nurturing special Salix alba caerulea willow trees for decades . These trees are expertly grown and shaped to create long , straight trunks , ideal for the tough , flexible qualities needed in a cricket bat . After reaching their prime size at around 20 years , they ’ re harvested and sent for crafting into topquality bats used worldwide , even by test players . So next time you spot these willows near the canal , you ’ ll know they ’ re destined for greatness on the cricket field !
Planning for Lambing Tupping began on 15th November , when the rams were introduced to the ewes . This has been timed in order that the lambs will be born just in time for our lambing weekend at the beginning of April . You may notice , if you see them in the fields , that the ewes will have yellow backs . This is from the coloured marker which is applied to the rams ’ chest and then rubs off onto the ewes letting us know which ones have been mated .
Our Amazing Volunteers In October , our conservation volunteers helped complete two important tasks . One group were working to clear the scrub from the old fence line along Box Lane in preparation for the installation of new fencing . Another group of volunteers worked hard on laying the hawthorn hedge along the bottom of Box Lane . Hedgelaying is a skilful and traditional technique which encourages new growth and strengthens the structure . We have a number of laid hedges on the estate , and they have the added benefit of providing food and shelter for invertebrates , small mammals and birds .
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