Terns Return Some exciting news ! Following the successful hatching and fledging of three Common Tern chicks last year , we redeployed our tern raft on the fishing lake at Pixies Mere and can confirm that these summer visitors have come back to us for their 2024 breeding season . We think that Common Terns arrive to breed in the UK in the summer from their wintering grounds around the coast of Spain and Africa ’ s western seaboard . Terns are famed for travelling some of the longest migration distances of any birds We are very happy to see the return of these wonderful and noisy birds - a huge thank you to the Boxmoor and District Angling Society ( BDAS ) who paddled out and put the raft in place for us .
Conservation Volunteers at Apsley Paper Trail During May , some of our rangers and volunteers got their feet wet installing bundles of hazel into the canal bank at Apsley Paper Mill . This collaborative piece of work was done not only to reinforce the canal bank which is eroding away from the water flow but also to provide a better habitat for water voles . The hazel faggots , which were coppiced from Bunkers Park , will serve to stabilise the banks allowing silt to build up in them and plants to take root .
Autumn Festival : 28th & 29th September , Blackbirds Moor We are working hard to ensure that our Autumn Festival is bigger and better than ever this year , with fun activities for all the family including a circus workshop on the Saturday and an African drum workshop on the Sunday . There will also be local produce , crafters and artisans , community groups and live music . Put the dates in your diary !
Raw fleeces for sale Following a visit from the shearer to get our flock ready for summer , we now have some beautiful fleeces available to purchase from our online shop . They can be used in all manner of ways , from garden weed / bug control to knitting and other wool crafts . They are sold raw , so will need washing first if used for crafting . Purchase via the shop on our website or contact Ann at admin @ boxmoortrust . org . uk to place your order . These are for collection only . We only have a limited supply , so get in quick as EWE don ' t want to miss out !
10 < Boxmoor Direct < August 2024 <