"He's got some power" I offered.
"Yeah, maybe" Tyson replied "But not as much as people think.......and you can't have power without movement, or you'll end up on the floor"
I agreed. "Think you'll fight him?" I asked.
"Oh, I'll fight him alright" came the reply "but when I've won the world title and on my terms. He'll get his, don't you worry about that."
I mulled that over as we travelled the rest of the way to the training camp.
The camp itself is set right on the border of Northern Belgium and Southern Holland. It comprises two lovely houses set about a mile and a half apart, one owned by Peter Fury and one by Tyson. I was to stay at Peters house - a beautiful huge log house with a tennis court and outside swimming pool. The snow was around two feet thick and the roads hadn't seen a snowplough, never mind a gritter. But the solitude out there is perfect for people wanting to quietly get on with the business of working towards a world title. No journalists (I doubt they'd find the place), no hanger's on, just the people who needed to be there, for all the right reasons.
The camp is completely and utterly run by Peter Fury. He is the trainer, confidant, psychologist and nutritionist, and he arranges every aspect of the camp life and of the lives of the boxers in his camp. He is a one man marvel. Nobody needs to worry about anything in Team Fury when Peter is around. No, he's not some glorified servant, but he believes that to concentrate on boxing you need a clear mind - you don't want to be worrying about your tax returns (Peter employs an accountant and a Sports Lawyer) or your food shopping. This place is completely dedicated to the sport of boxing.
Lawyer) or your food shopping. This place is completely dedicated to the sport of boxing.
The current boxers in Team Fury are the following -
Tyson Fury - aged 24 - Heavyweight. Ranked 4 by the WBC, 9 by the IBF, and 6 by the WBO.
Phil Fury - aged 21 - Light Middleweight. Ranked 19 in the UK. Next fight is scheduled for the Irish title.
Hughie Fury - aged 18 - Heavyweight. Current World Junior Heavyweight champion - The first person from the UK to ever gain this gold medal.
"Little" Hughie Fury - aged 16 - Heavyweight. Currently just starting out on his amateur career, but already weighing 16 stones.