We've seen it time after time and it's a mistake I've even made, something or someone "gets your back up" and you react . People in past generations would deal with these situations more often than not on a face to face basis, but in our modern era the offender is somebody hundreds if not thousands of miles away. Sat in their bedrooms on a swivel chair typing away on their twitter account.

Social sites give everyone an avenue of never ending communication, where at a click of a button you are able to "follow" and even interact with A listers and idles of the sports world. This one to one interaction is, on most occasions, a friendly praise or short conversation between fan and hero, other times a war of words that can often go a step too far. Fighters that should be ambassador to the sports and role models to those who are coming through, are instead giving critics of the sports more ammo to their cause . So called fight fans that spew vile comments from behind an iPhone or laptop causing a never ending circle of abuse. Banter's all good and well but can't we enjoy boxing just for the sweet science because the freedom of technology is not for everyone .


Callum Harris

