Bow Legs no More Pdf Remedy Exercises Download 1 | Page 20

of rickets and other problems. To check for severe knock knees you need to have the child stand with her knees touching. Now if the distance between the ankle bones is more than three inches in a tree year old or four inches in a four year old then the problem is severe enough to need attention. However if the knock knees are severe, braces may help straighten the knees and keep the condition for getting worst. Again in a child who is over six or seven years old, braces usually do not help and in extreme cases surgery may be needed. Let me inform you that knock knees may also lead to flat feet. In general about 3 out of 1,000 children are born with a club foot or feet and sometimes it runs in the family and usually the cause is unknown. Now if you want to know if bow legs can really be prevented then please visit bow legs no What are the treatments of bow legs? In general sometimes a newborn baby’s foot turns inward just because they were in that position in the mother womb. To find out whether the condition is likely to correct itself, or if it is a true deformity or club foot that needs special attention, try to put the foot in a normal position. If the front part of a baby’s foot is turned inwards then it will often straighten out itself before he or she is two years old.