Boutique 1031 Mag apr. 2014 | Page 10

Spring is the time of year where all the to-be college graduates are going on their job interviews and most professionals are revamping wardrobes. Knowing how to dress professionally is a very important thing especially for those who are familiar with "pushing the envelope" through style. Here are a few tips to get you started as you begin your journey into the professional world:

Always go back to black. A black wardrobe does not mean gothic as we were taught growing up; it is a way to show class and level of seriousness in a meeting or proposal. Dark shades of conservative clothing together create a polished look and are typically a great office color. Most all “ready to work” clothes come in black, grey, maroon, and a dark green.

A Plethora of blazers. Now a blazer is a go-to that regardless of the season and occasion should always be in your closet. Blazers are a way to put color into an outfit if you aren't into darker shades. A blazer will always pull together an outfit no mater what the layers consist of. Blazers can be found in so varieties of color shades and patterns as well as fabrics.

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