So how do you get the best from the Bounce system?
Its all about engaging your customers to provide feedback, the key is to invite customers to participate. Below is our top tips:
Communicate - advise customers that we are seeking thier feedback on their experience - this can be by word of mouth, email, or in a phone conversation. This is by far the most powerful and effective means.
Add - your personal survey link to your literature, website or POS system - inviting people to take part.
Invite - customers to complete the survey, eg. As a previous valued customer we would like some feedback.
Launch - make some noise about you listening to customers - launch the day in style, offer some freebies for feedback.
Folow up - Complete the feedback cycle by following up on poor feedback or complaints - catch the customers before you lose them.
It really is down to you how you want to launch it, heres some ideas on how other businesses have launched Bounce:
-Launch day party where every customer was offered 10% off to provide feedback.
-Providing a feedback card to all diners after the meal with a 10% off card to provide feedback.
-Stores ran a competition to encourge sign up - the top feedback provider won a prize
-Added to the goodbye script of all emails and phone calls to ask customers to sign up.
-Placed on a prompt card in every dispatched parcel.
Launch Day
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Nec ne erant suscipiantur. Harum facilisis adversarium pro ea, cu duis iudicabit sadipscing eam