Bounce Back In Style 2nd Edition Feb/March/April | Page 53

she look so haggard and unkempt simply because you are now the one in charge? My brother, step up and rise to your re- sponsibilities of nurtur- ing and cherishing your wife as Christ does the church. Spots also are signs of manhandling. He is to handle her with honour, as a weaker ves- sel. 1 Peter 3:7. The word "weaker vessel" refers to a delicate vessel and not necessarily physically weak person. Yes men are stronger than women, but women possess pecu- liar strengths not found in men as well. Such strength as carrying a pregnancy for nine months, the pain and challenge of delivery through travail and labour. Not to talk of the lifetime job of caring for the whole family. That is strength right there. Spots on a woman indicates that she is not being properly treated by her husband and in most cases she might be going through an abuse through violence. f. Vs. 28-30. A husband must know how to love himself. How you love your wife is a reflection of how you love yourself and to love yourself, you must love God well enough. You will only love yourself to the extent to which you have been able to love God. And all that will reflect in your relationship with your wife. g. Vs 31. A man must have left father and mother to really be a husband. You cannot pursue two relationships in the same way. To be successful at one you must play down on the other. You have been called by marriage to start a new genealogy and lineage. It is a whole new family that must not necessarily look like that of your parents, that is why God insists on leaving for cleaving to be effective. 53