Bounce Back In Style 2nd Edition Feb/March/April | Page 43
The Role Of The 21st Century Wives On High Definition
HD eyebrows, televisions, razor
some balls drop temporarily, or
blades are all the rage. High
replace a ball of lesser imDefinition, before the advent of
portance or priority at the time
the HD eyebrows, referred to a
with a more important ball for
digital television system with
that particular season.
three major parameters; frame
Oftentimes I lost sight of the
size, a proportionally sharper
„bigger picture‟ of God‟s plan for
image, and a wide-screen forthe family and marriage, reflectmat. It offered a much better picPastor Suzanne
ing His glory in the world. I felt
ture quality with greater clarity,
frustrated with the unrealistic exless blurred and less
pectations I had of myself. The false and
fuzzy. What‟s the role of the 21st Century wife in
worldly pulls and notions that there was much
God‟s eyes that offers us a better picture of who
more that I should have been doing in my life
we are, with greater clarity?
at that particular time; that I was not getting the
Prior to the 21 Century, most women did not
love and attention I should have been getting,
work at jobs outside the home, pursue an eduor there were more important things to do in
cation, or have an active social life outside of
life than to look after four children; that there
their home. They were primarily known as wives were more finances that I should have been
and mothers. Since then, life and societal
bringing in, not to mention the grudging feeling
norms have changed tremendously and most
that I had sacrificed my personal dreams and
women of the 21st century balance a work and desires on the altar of motherhood or marriage,
family life, while pursuing a trade, career path or and that I was of lesser importance and use
higher education. Many women now hold high- because I was not out there talking with adults
ranking positions in major companies, while oth- about „more important things‟. What a decepers become doctors, engineers, business wom- tion!
en or lawyers. They participate in elections, run
The conflicts and
for public office and hold governmental posts.
challenges that I exIn the 1980s, being an educated woman of
perienced both within
mixed race, both African and European decent, and without as I wresand having studied and worked for seven years tled with God‟s call to
to qualify as a lawyer at the time, I found it chal- a deeper walk and
lenging reconciling my ambition and desire to
ministry and what I
progress within my field, an urgent sense of a
learned inspired me in
call to ministry with my desire to get married
1995 to write the book
and raise a family. Could I juggle all the balls
„God‟s Call To Womtogether in the air as a professional, a Christian en‟ which examined
woman, a godly wife and mother? At that stage the role of women in
in my life development I had not fully come to
the Church. The
an understanding of God‟s concept of seasons
struggles I wrestled
and timings, which would have informed my
within my own mind and heart as a woman,
„juggling‟. I found it clearly impossible to keep
wife and mother, led me in 2004 to write the
all the balls up in the air all of the time. At differ- book „More Like Jesus‟, after my own heart
ent stages of my life I have had to let a ball or
There is nothing derogatory or belittling in the