Bounce Back In Style 2nd Edition Feb/March/April | Page 33
I asked him which of them his
girlfriend is. I become more
curious when he said that none
of them is his girlfriend. So
what is your relationship with
the girls? I asked. “Oh nothing,
we just hang out, go to the
movies and talk. They are
there for me just as I am there
for them whenever we need
each other. We are not even in
2. Invest Your Time, Don’t
the same city and we hardly
Spend it. Once you are 21 years
see ourselves but when we
your relationships and friendhave the opportunity we do all
ships should be focused and purthose things. So you are disoposeful. After the second date
beying your parents because of
you should have a pretty good
two girls that mean nothing to
idea whether the lady is a keeper
you other than that you hang
or not and invest your time acout and talk? Needless to say
cordingly. I am not by in any way
that he got the message. Ansuggesting that every relationother man came to me because
ship should lead to marriage. I
he needed help with how tellam saying that every relationship
ing his long-time girlfriend that
and friendship should be for a
he is not going marry her as
reason and your time should be
planned without breaking her
invested in relationship accordhearth. He has been dating her
ing the value of the relationship.
for five years and they were
If you are still trying to figure out
supposed to have been marthe value of essence of your relaried two years earlier but he
tionship with a woman by the
got cold feet and told her to
third time you meet the lady, you
wait until he is done with medare spending your time and not
ical school and has had those
investing it. In other words