Bounce Back In Style 2nd Edition Feb/March/April | Page 16
They Were Wrong!
By Afonama Ntefon
She's surrounded by people who say the rhyme "sticks & stones."
Well they were wrong,
They told her she was ugly,
She believed them,
She constantly looked at herself in the mirror,
Now she knows,
They were wrong,
They told her she would never be normal,
She took it to heart and hid in the shadows,
Hoping no-one will see her,
But now she knows they were wrong,
They called her a freak,
From then on she found herself living in a world of insecurity,
Now she sees,
They were wrong,
She said "don't tell me those words hurt less than broken bones,"
She learnt that "if you can't see anything beautiful about yourself, get a mirror look a little closer, stare a
little longer make sure at lest you see tour beauty because if you don't see they were wrong nobody will
for you.
Afonama Ntefon (11)