Bottle Tree Bulletin Bottle Tree Bulletin - March 2020 | Page 8

Yuleba | Wallumbilla | Jackson Australia Day at Yuleba 2020 Australia Day 2020 for Wallumbilla, Yuleba, Jackson Districts was held at Yuleba in the Yuleba Memorial Hall. Councillors Cameron O’Neil and Geoff McMullen were presiding and officiating at the formal proceedings. The following awards were presented: 2020 Award Winners Young Citizen of the Year - Samuel Collier; Cultural Award - Patricia Sedgwick, President of QCWA Jackson Branch, Festival of Small Halls Jackson; Achievement Award - Grant Harland; Citizen of the Year - Paul Masson;Junior Sports Award - Matthew Williams ; Community Event of the Year - Anita Albeck, Wallumbilla Cattle Dog Trial Committee, Australian Working Dog Championships; Sports Award - Ross Kehl Member Contribution Award – Linda Hyland. Congratulations to all the nominees and award winners from Wallumbilla, Yuleba and Jackson. The Cobb & Co Festival Committee (Yuleba and Surat) was also awarded Community Event of the Year. This award was presented in Surat. The Yuleba Memorial Hall Committee hosted the morning tea and everyone enjoyed the scrumptious spread provided. Thanks to all the community members who worked behind the scenes to make this such an enjoyable and successful event. 1. March IN Yuleba | Wallumbilla | Jackson area have been minor runs in the other local creeks like Little Tchanning Creek. Judd’s Lagoon, the local recreation area for Yuleba District and the Maranoa and which also attracts many travellers was dry for a number of months. Maranoa Regional Council had approved funds to clean the lagoon out by taking out silt. A storm the night before Australia Day filled it before it could be cleaned out. New Origin Family We are excited to welcome Stefan Patterson from Origin, his wife Alicia and son Nikalus to Yuleba as our newest residents under the agreement between Maranoa Regional Council and APLNG/Origin. Origin is the upstream operator of Australia Pacific LNG who as reported last month in the Bottle Tree Bulletin, has signed an agreement with Maranoa Regional Council to allow the continued operation of APLNG’s camps at Reedy Creek and Bungaroo. In return, they Relief from the drought - have agreed to transition several production Judds Lagoon worker positions from fly-in/fly-out to Maranoa residential. Patchy falls of rain from the end of January For Stefan and his family, this means that into the first part of February 2020 has seen they can spend more time together as a positive response in the local community. family. “It’s great to see Alicia and Nikalus in Large isolated falls have been amazing but the mornings wave me goodbye and know there are still patches that are missing out close by. While many farm dams have water they will be there every night to do things 4. in them now and some lucky people have full together, like eat dinner and play in the yard,” said Stefan. dams there are still many to fill. The grass has started to grow and it is great “Yuleba seems like a really nice to see green shoots appearing although there community. Everyone has been friendly and embraced us which has been great. are still bare patches in the paddocks and It’s good to be able to drive to work, house yards. We need follow up to keep the there isn’t any traffic and it’s a nice drive seeds that have germinated growing. surrounded by farmland and bush with There has been a good run in the Yuleba the occasional wallaby, which is a Creek and also Kangaroo Creek. Also there bonus.” 2. 5. 1. Judds lagoon full at last! 2. Australia Day at Yuleba - 2020 Winners with Councillors L – R Samuel Collier, Patricia Sedgwick, Grant Harland, Paul Masson, Matthew Williams, Cr Geoff Mc Mullen, Cr Cameron O’Neil, Anita Albeck, Ross Kehl and Linda Hyland 3. Stefan and Alicia Patterson with son Nikalus 4. Tchanning creek over the crossing. 5. L -R Bill Vierveyzer, Bill Albeck and David Bowden of Corona Lodge with the Cultural Nomination at the Australia Day Awards. 8 1 Clean Up Australia Day Meet @ Jackson 7 Noonga’s Women’s Day 29 BBQ 5pm @ Noonga Hall +EVERY 2nd Wed Wallumbilla QCWA meet 12:30pm @ Jackson CWA Hall call Linda Hyland 0427630270 +EVERY Tuesday Metafit & Circuit Training 5:30pm @ Yuleba Tennis Courts +EVERY last Sunday of the month Jackson QCWA social event +EVERY Tuesday Metafit & Circuit Training 5:30pm @ Yuleba Tennis Courts For Yuleba, we welcome the Patterson’s and look forward to seeing them around town. Don’t forget to say hi and make them feel welcome! 3.