Bottle Tree Bulletin Bottle Tree Bulletin - March 2019 | Page 8

Yuleba | Wallumbilla | Jackson Merle Murphy Citizen of the Year 2019 At the Australia Day celebrations at the Wallumbilla Memorial Hall, Merle Murphy was presented with the Citizen of the Year Award for 2019. Merle has been part of the Yuleba community for more than 80 years and loves to be involved with the Yuleba State School, Cuppa for Cancer’s Biggest Morning Tea as well as creating over 1100 knitted teddy bears for the Queensland Children’s Hospital and the Wallumbilla Hospital. Australia Day Awards for Wallumbilla/Yuleba and Surrounds were as follows: Young Citizen of the Year –Thomas York Cultural Award – Festival of Small Halls Achievement Award – Kristie York Sports Award – Katrina Cleland Junior Sports Award – Payton Leahy Community Event of the Year – Wallumbilla 100 Year Show Member Contribution Award – Wallumbilla SES and Rural Fire Brigade. Congratulations to all nominees and award recipients. A delicious morning tea was served after the ceremony and in the afternoon, the Wallumbilla Pool was the venue for lunch and an enjoyable swim in the warm weather. Citizen of the Year, Merle Murphy with Mayor Tyson Golder and Councillor Geoff McMullen cutting the Australia Day Cake March IN Yuleba | Wallumbilla | Jackson area Bendemere Garden Club The Bendemere Garden Club met for their AGM and a general meeting at Robyn and Jim Wilby’s garden in Dargal Road. There was a good roll up with 49 members in attendance. The guest speaker for the afternoon was Craig Thorne. Craig gave an informative talk including the history of the Bougainvillea, soil types they prefer, flowering times and fertiliser requirements. Craig then gave a demonstration of how to take and strike cuttings. Craig’s talk was listened to enthusiastically and many questions were asked. Anne Moloney thanked Craig for his informative talk. The raffles for the day were drawn and they were won by Viv Bruton, Christine Webster and Robyn McKenzie. President Lynne thanked Robyn and Jim Wilby for having us to their garden. Robyn spoke briefly about the beautiful sunflowers in the garden which are currently bringing parrots, including Crimson Wings and Rosellas. Robyn advised they are usually on town water but have recently pumped from the dam to the garden for a couple of waterings and this has greened the lawn up immensely. Locals having fun at the Jackson Games Afternoon Award winners with Cr Geoff McMullen at the Wallumbilla/Yuleba and Surrounds Australia Day Event 8 3 Bendemere Garden Club, venue TBA 20 Wallumbilla Town Improvement Group Meeting +EVERY 2nd Thursday Wallumbilla QCWA meet 9:30am@ QCWA Hall call Caroline on 4623 4134 +EVERY Tuesday Metafit & Circuit Training 5:30pm @ Yuleba Tennis Courts Jackson Games Afternoon A delicious afternoon tea was served, as usual. Robyn invited everyone to feel free to enjoy the garden and wander everywhere. The next garden Club meeting will be on Sunday, 3 March. Venue to be advised. The Jackson Branch of the QCWA organized a games afternoon in January. It was held at the CWA hall in Jackson. More than 25 people from Roma, Noonga, Dulacca and Jackson were in attendance. All enjoyed games of table tennis, darts, chess, blokus and word games. The attendee then stayed on for drinks and nibbles. A great afternoon and evening was had by all. The ladies of the CWA who organised the day have indicated that they will be having other events for the Jackson community so keep an eye out for date claimers! A study in concentration at the Jackson Games Afternoon Guest speaker Craig Thorne speaking about Bougainvillea at the Bendemere Garden Club