Bottle Tree Bulletin Bottle Tree Bulletin - January 2020 | Page 12

January 2020 Sunday 29 Monday 30 Tuesday 31 Wednesday 1 NYE Rodeo @ Mitchell RSL Sports Complex 5 6 7 Thursday Friday 2 3 4 9 10 11 All month in the Maranoa - School Holiday Activities 8 Surat Aboriginal Corporation Office re-opens 12 13 Saturday Bold Beginnings Exhibition opens @ Mitchell on Maranoa Gallery 14 15 16 17 18 23 24 25 30 31 1 BAG Meeting @ BAG Cottage Mitchell 19 20 21 Let’s Dance @ Surat Shire Hall 26 27 28 22 Breast Cancer Support Group Lunch @ Roma 29 Fathers with Futures Open Day @ Roma Australia Day Celebrations across the Maranoa February 2019 1 Fathers with Futures Open Day @ Roma 14 Valentines Day Contacts If you have an article you would like included in the next edition of the Bottle Tree Bulletin email [email protected] or contact your local correspondent… Roma David Bowden 0429 664 275 [email protected] Surat Joanna Weinert 0439 718 340 [email protected] Injune Mandy McKeesick 0459 910 856 [email protected] Yuleba Paul Masson 0437 975 002 [email protected] Mitchell Janelle Rook 0448 175 941 [email protected] is produced by Booringa Action Group and proudly funded by the Maranoa Regional Council for our community. 12 Edition Deadline Distributed Week February 2020 January 13 January 27 March 2020 February 17 March 1