Botox Treatments and Many More Botox Injections from a Reputable Source | Page 15
Knowing what to expect with the procedure is a big thing. You
need to make sure that you are prepared as much as possible. Of
course, you can speak with the professional and anyone in the
office if you have further questions, but make sure to follow their
directions exactly so that when the day comes to have the
procedure, though non-invasive, you’re ready.
What to Expect with
the Procedure?
Knowing not only what to expect, but what you need to do before
and after the procedure is important. You want to be prepared and
make it a great experience overall.
One of the biggest tips that was given by a plastic surgeon out of
Columbus, Ohio was that taking zinc supplements can actually
help to extend the amount of time that the Botox injections
worked for. This gave the person more time in between to enjoy
the effects of the service without having to have it done again
right away.